

Re-Thread is an Indian online thrift-shopping startup. We offer sustainable fashion and lifestyle products at discounted prices.

Your One-Stop
Thrift Store

Thrif Store

Discover the joy of thrifting at Rethread! As an environmentally-conscious initiative, we embrace the power of second chances, not just for our clothes, but for the world. Every item you purchase from our vast array of second-hand clothes isn't just a new addition to your wardrobe; it's a step towards sustainable living.

Quality Sustainability

Our Commitment

At Rethread, our commitment is threefold. We aim to deliver quality, promote sustainability, and ensure affordability. All our pieces are carefully vetted for quality and condition, ensuring you get only the best value for your money. Our commitment to sustainability means we're passionate about diverting clothing from landfills, reducing textile waste, and promoting a circular economy. And when we say affordability, we mean it. With Rethread, you don't have to break the bank to look stylish or to make ethical, eco-friendly choices.

Become a Part of
Our Thrift Community

Join now

Rethread is more than just a thrift store; we're a community that's growing every day. By shopping with us, you become part of a collective effort to redefine fashion and its impact on our planet. We encourage you to join our mission, whether it's by giving your clothes a second life through our store, or finding your next favourite outfit in our diverse catalogue. Keep up to date with our newest arrivals, upcoming events, and the latest thrift trends by joining our newsletter or following us on our social media platforms. Let's make a difference together, one outfit at a time.

Apply now!

The Power of Thrifting: A Journey in Numbers


tonnes of CO2 are produced each year due to fast fashion. Together, we can decrease this number.


liters of water can be saved by purchasing a second-hand item instead of a new garment


of textiles end up in landfills each year. Let's work together to lighten this load.


Our philosophy

At Rethread, our philosophy is rooted in the belief that every item of clothing deserves a second chance and every person deserves the chance to make a difference. This belief shapes the way we approach business, fashion, and sustainability. We challenge the fast fashion mindset that treats clothing as disposable, opting instead to celebrate the stories, craftsmanship, and potential embedded in every pre-loved garment. We are committed to curating an ever-changing selection of quality second-hand items, offering our customers an accessible and stylish way to reduce their carbon footprint.

We also believe in the power of community. We are not just a store, but a gathering place for those who see the potential in the old, respect the value of the new, and understand the impact of their choices. Together, we can redefine the lifecycle of clothing, shift towards a more sustainable future, and foster a community that connects people through the shared love of thrifting. In every aspect of our work, we strive to uphold these values and inspire others to do the same. At Rethread, we're not just selling clothes - we're promoting a lifestyle, a mindset, and a brighter future for our planet.


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